whistle-blower system

Kremer-Polymer-Industries GmbH & Co. KG
Kremer-Kautschuk-Kunststoff GmbH & Co. KG
Kremer-Silicon GmbH 

For us, compliance means that we adhere to legal and ethical framework conditions and act accordingly. Compliance is therefore in particular a code of conduct that affects us all. 

This applies to all employees in all areas of our company.
Our aim is to always act in accordance with the highest standards.

Only consistent compliance with this code can avoid considerable legal and economic risks for our companies and therefore for all of us.

Our compliance rules form the framework for our compliant behavior towards our employees and business partners.

To ensure that we meet our compliance obligations, we have implemented an effective compliance program.

Part of this program is a whistleblower system that enables our employees, business partners or other persons to report potential compliance violations.

We take all reports seriously and guarantee confidentiality and anonymity for whistleblowers who wish to do so. As part of the global supply chain, we also understand our responsibility to ensure sustainable and responsible production.

We are actively committed to compliance with environmental standards, social working conditions and human rights.

We maintain close relationships with our suppliers and work continuously to ensure that they also meet our high compliance requirements. This reflects our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Our commitment to compliance is an integral part of our corporate culture and is supported by the management and all employees.

We are proud to supply our customers with products of the highest quality and to honor our commitments to compliance and responsible business practices.

What can you do if you discover a breach of compliance?

Reporting channels
1. Web-based reporting
You have the option of submitting an encrypted and protected report via a web-based reporting platform in various national languages and contacting the compliance officers.
The incoming reports are processed independently and confidentially.
The reporting platform offers the possibility of anonymous reporting and communication.

Link to our whistle-blower system:

Important: Please note that ONLY the web-based reporting platform can guarantee you 100% anonymity when submitting a report.

2. E-Mail

You can also contact our compliance officers by e-mail and submit your report:
However, this is not anonymous in this case!


How do we process your report?
Depending on the reporting channel selected, you will receive confirmation of receipt of your report within 7 days, provided you have given us a contact option or submitted the report via the web-based reporting platform.

The compliance officers will first check whether the report falls within the remit of the compliance officers and the whistleblower protection act.

If further processing by the compliance officers are not necessary, the whistleblower will immediately receive a corresponding notification, possibly with suggestions as to who can be contacted as an alternative to the concern.

If the initial review of the report reveals that the report is a matter that falls within the remit of the compliance officers, the compliance officers will process the case and initiate the necessary steps.

Once the case has been processed, but after 3 months at the latest, the whistleblower will receive qualified feedback on the report either via the contact details provided or, if this was used to submit the report, via the anonymous mailbox of the web-based reporting platform.

Important: In order to continue anonymous communication with you via the web-based reporting platform, it is essential that you remember the process number assigned by the reporting platform and the password you have chosen yourself.

This is the only way to ensure further communication about the process.